01. 말씀

2021.05.16 - 어리석은 마술사

Good-News 2021. 5. 15. 16:12





8:4 그 흩어진 사람들이 두루 다니며 복음의 말씀을 전할새  

8:5 빌립이 사마리아 성에 내려가 그리스도를 백성에게 전파하니  

8:6 무리가 빌립의 말도 듣고 행하는 표적도 보고 한마음으로 그가 하는 말을 따르더라  

8:7 많은 사람에게 붙었던 더러운 귀신들이 크게 소리를 지르며 나가고 또 많은 중풍병자와 못 걷는 사람이 나으니  

8:8 그 성에 큰 기쁨이 있더라  

8:9 그 성에 시몬이라 하는 사람이 전부터 있어 마술을 행하여 사마리아 백성을 놀라게 하며 자칭 큰 자라 하니  

8:10 낮은 사람부터 높은 사람까지 다 따르며 이르되 이 사람은 크다 일컫는 하나님의 능력이라 하더라  

8:11 오랫동안 그 마술에 놀랐으므로 그들이 따르더니  

8:12 빌립이 하나님 나라와 및 예수 그리스도의 이름에 관하여 전도함을 그들이 믿고 남녀가 다 세례를 받으니  

8:13 시몬도 믿고 세례를 받은 후에 전심으로 빌립을 따라다니며 그 나타나는 표적과 큰 능력을 보고 놀라니라 

8:14 예루살렘에 있는 사도들이 사마리아도 하나님의 말씀을 받았다 함을 듣고 베드로와 요한을 보내매  

8:15 그들이 내려가서 그들을 위하여 성령 받기를 기도하니  

8:16 이는 아직 한 사람에게도 성령 내리신 일이 없고 오직 주 예수의 이름으로 세례만 받을 뿐이더라  

8:17 이에 두 사도가 그들에게 안수하매 성령을 받는지라  

8:18 시몬이 사도들의 안수로 성령 받는 것을 보고 돈을 드려  

8:19 이르되 이 권능을 내게도 주어 누구든지 내가 안수하는 사람은 성령을 받게 하여 주소서 하니  

8:20 베드로가 이르되 네가 하나님의 선물을 돈 주고 살 줄로 생각하였으니 네 은과 네가 함께 망할지어다  

8:21 하나님 앞에서 네 마음이 바르지 못하니 이 도에는 네가 관계도 없고 분깃 될 것도 없느니라  

8:22 그러므로 너의 이 악함을 회개하고 주께 기도하라 혹 마음에 품은 것을 사하여 주시리라  

8:23 내가 보니 너는 악독이 가득하며 불의에 매인 바 되었도다  

8:24 시몬이 대답하여 이르되 나를 위하여 주께 기도하여 말한 것이 하나도 내게 임하지 않게 하소서 하니라 

8:25 두 사도가 주의 말씀을 증언하여 말한 후 예루살렘으로 돌아갈새 사마리아인의 여러 마을에서 복음을 전하니라 



8:4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

8:5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there.

8:6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid 

     close attention to what he said.

8:7 With shrieks, evil spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed.

8:8 So there was great joy in that city.

8:9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed 

      all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great,

8:10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, 

        "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power."

8:11 They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic.

8:12 But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God 

        and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

8:13 Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, 

       astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw.

8:14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, 

        they sent Peter and John to them.

8:15 When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit,

8:16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; 

       they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.

8:17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

8:18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, 

       he offered them money

8:19 and said, "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands 

       may receive the Holy Spirit."

8:20 Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought 

       you could buy the gift of God with money!

8:21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.

8:22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. 

       Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.

8:23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin."

8:24 Then Simon answered, 

       "Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you have said may happen to me."

8:25 When they had testified and proclaimed the word of the Lord, 

       Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages.
